Michele Vrabel joins us today as she shares her own story of redemption and her new book, “Butterfly Stitches“. She walks us through a story of redemption as she wrote her book. Butterfly Stitches is available for purchase from Amazon. As a launch team member, it is Michele’s incredible story of how she overcame her childhood and found Jesus.
Michele Vrabel shares:
To Name or Not to Name?
As I review the first round of edits for my book, Butterfly Stitches, I have to decide about naming names. My story contains abuse. My abusers are still alive. Although my story is truthful and I’ve consulted with a lawyer, I paused before continuing.
My biological father was the first. As I prayed over handling names, I knew I didn’t need to say his name as “my father” was enough.
I was praying about the possible legal ramifications and possibilities and my Jesus, once again, took my heart in His hands and let me know how it was going to go. He told me that my father would not sue me. He told me that the “working together for good” that He had in mind was my father’s redemption.
I forgave my father years ago because I could not carry that burden. He did not ask for forgiveness and has never reached out to me since I ended the relationship when I was 14. If I believe that what I believe is really real and I accept the forgiveness and salvation of my Jesus, then I must concede that it is available to my father as well.
This revelation from my King has brought me to my knees, literally. I have to concede that this redemption is available to all of my abusers.
I was sharing this revelation with my pastor, and it brought him to tears. He asked me for my father’s name and it startled me as I had not spoken it in forever. In fact, his actual name has never been how I addressed him. My pastor then asked if he could pray for my father by name with me. Tears came from a place in my heart that has remained an open wound.
Meet Michele
Michele is an expert bean counter by day. Her side hustle is pastry chef and author. She released her first book Butterfly Stitches in 2024. Connect with her at https://michelevrabel.com/.
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