God Always Shows Up

He annoyed me, she annoyed me.  My trust had been broken by someone close to me. 

Another appointment was changed to meet someone else’s schedule.  The number on the scale was higher than I hoped, even though I was dieting and exercising.  God seemed distant when I cried out to Him about the pain, and the scale that day was tipping in the other direction. 

As we were getting ready for bed, I set my alarm for 5:15 am. My husband asked, “What are you doing? We are on vacation?”.  Most mornings during summer I get up at that time, and an hour before during the school year.  This wasn’t about that.  “I don’t want to miss out on the sunrise in the morning,” I replied.  According to the weather app on my phone, sunrise was at 6:02 am.  That would give me plenty of time to read and pray (really start my day), meeting Jesus with my coffee on that yellow and blue striped chair upstairs, so as not to disturb anyone else. 

I was looking forward to the sunrise not only to get some new pictures and practice my photography skills, but that’s where I feel closest to God. On the beach watching the sky change colors from dark blue to bright orange, yellow and pink, listening to the waves crash along the shore and the occasional squawk from the seagulls.

As I gathered my camera and phone the next morning in eager anticipation, I quickly grabbed my sandals to start my short walk to the beach. As I reached the end of the driveway I had a different pep in my step.  The events and stress of the last few weeks slowly started to melt away.  By the time I reached the crosswalk, I was walking faster (getting that heart rate up!) almost giddy over the anticipation of the sunrise.   The sky was still a pale orange/pink as I walked down the boardwalk.  The colors on the horizon were barely visible as my feet hit the sand.

As I stood there, I eagerly anticipated the glorious masterpiece God would paint.  I listened to the waves hit the shoreline.  My heart began to slow from my powerwalk, and my jaw began to ease from gritting my teeth, which I apparently do without even realizing. My deep breaths inhaled the ocean breeze and I slowly exhaled my recent stresses.  

I get so excited over the sunrise because I know that God will meet me there.  No matter what, the sun comes up in the east and sets in the west.  Everyday.  Rain or shine. The sun shows up, slipping over the horizon before sliding below it several hours later. 

When I watch the sun rise and set I am reminded that God created the sun, the earth, the creatures on it, and me.  He created everything.  It also reminds me He created me in His image, so that number on the scale I’ve been stressing over? It’s not important because God created me. God is faithful.  He raises the sun every morning even when we can’t see it because of the clouds.  Just like the sun always rises, He is always there with us.  I can trust God. I trust that every morning the sun will rise.  God does that.

Those early mornings on the beach with my camera in my hand aren’t all about the pictures that I create.  It’s more about reminding myself who God is, reminding me of His promises, and changing my focus from all the stuff around me back to God. The sky has changed to shades of yellows, oranges, and pinks as the sun rises over the ocean.  The stress that I had when I left the house has slowly melted away.  My jaw is no longer in a flexed position, my shoulders aren’t up to my ears from tension.  I can breathe easier as I begin the walk back, renewed not only mentally but spiritually.  God met me like I knew He would.  God is ALWAYS good. The next time you watch the sunrise or sunset, be reminded that God is faithful. God created all things including you! God is always with you.

Where do you feel closest to God?

  1. How can I pray with you today?
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6 Comments On “God Always Shows Up”

  1. I love when God wakes me up in the middle of the night to pray for someone. Once I pray for them, and anyone else who comes to mind, He and I have a chat. Most of the time, I am just listening and feeling.His embrace.

  2. Love a sunrise with Jesus! So worth getting up early to meet Him there alone. On another note… I think we worry too much about the size of our bodies. The more I press into Jesus the more I realize that He doesn’t value a smaller body or worry about my size. I think it’s the enemy who wants us so worried about it.

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