Falling Apart is Falling Together

Brittany Kelly shares her story of how falling apart is falling together.

God’s Way

They say God works in mysterious ways. That all things work together for the good of those who believe in Him. Looking back on my own life, I know this to be true in all circumstances. As imperfect sinners, we are designed with many faults, but as Christians, we are called to hold strong to our faith, no matter the circumstance.

Most desperately, we must hold onto our faith with our life in shambles – when we don’t know how we are going to put our next foot forward, know up from down, or left from right. Amazingly, Christ demands that light prevail over darkness. Without explanation, Christ is faithful, and His plans are far superior to anything we could ever imagine. We all have those moments where we never really know what we are doing. We never see the bigger picture until the moment has passed. This is where God’s glory is most at work, and why I shout His name from both the valley and the mountain. 

New Seasons Falling Apart

It was fall, the air was turning crisp, and trunk-or-treat season was in full swing. I couldn’t tell you what made me invite my brother, although I had prayed for his salvation from an early age. Jesus was “never his thing.” The day of my church’s trunk-or-treat, my brother and I were sitting in his living room, debating whether we should really muster the energy to go. In the end, he said, “I guess let’s go.” I had been battling depression from the death of a close loved one, trying to work my way through all of the emotions that the first true loss can bring. I was too consumed, too blinded, but others could see it… The glazed-over look in my brother’s eyes. Despite my unknown and good intentions, I had no clue what was brewing beneath the surface.


I remember the moment all too clearly. My brother called, his voice raw with guilt, shame, and defeat. When I arrived, I realized just how desperate the situation was. I got him on the phone with a sponsor, doing my best to ignore what I was hearing. My brother had overdosed a few times this past week. I just stared. Panic clawed at my throat as I gripped the kitchen counter. He had no idea, but each word he spoke was a blow to my shattered heart. Tears welled in my eyes, blurring the image of my trembling hands wrapped around my neck. A horrible dread gnawed at my stomach, replacing the hollowness from the feelings of grief I had been trying to process in the previous weeks. Fear paralyzed me. What if this time, there were no more chances?

My World Was Falling Apart

My world was falling apart. Me, me, me, him, him, but what about HIM? It would be a stretch to say I forgot my faith in this moment, but I was certainly overcome with emotions. As God promises over and over, He made beauty from the ashes. Never would I have imagined, although I had prayed and prayed, for the outcome of this story. While some have been so very lucky to not have to deal with someone they love in active addiction, I think we can all agree we have, at some point or another, been in situations that (literally) have brought us to our knees. Maybe God designed it that way… We are put in positions of complete fear and the unknown, and are called to bow on our knees, pray, and trust in Him.


As with every battle between good and evil, the devil was relentless while my brother made strides to better himself in treatment. True to form, never would I have imagined that throughout this journey, God called me to start an outreach ministry. Although I had the skills, I never saw the vision He had for using me in such a way. As my church and I prayed for my brother’s salvation and a change in his life, low and behold God delivered, as He always does. As I reflect on that experience, and all that has transpired since that night. I’m overwhelmed by the reminder that when things fall apart, they are truly just falling together. Seeing God’s faithfulness and power when we are weak is our beacon of hope.

Falling Together

Now, my brother is saved, actively attends church, teaches his children about Jesus, has been sober for over a year, owns his own business, advocates for others in recovery, and remains my closest friend. This past Sunday, our voices blended in hymns, a testament to the restoration of Christ’s love, the only love strong enough to bring us through the fire. Not many make it through the stronghold of addiction, but by God’s grace, my brother has. If that’s not a testament to the goodness of God, and one of those rare glimpses into heaven, I don’t know what is. A beacon of hope in a world often shrouded in darkness. My brother’s falling apart, was him falling together – Just as God had planned from the start. It’s something we may not always understand, but we can trust in His goodness and His perfect plan. 


As a wife, mother of two, and a caregiver to her father, Brittany is learning the art of finding balance in everyday life. She finds joy in encouraging and empowering others to be their best selves. In November of 2022, Brittany began SavedOne Outreach, aiming to uplift others and help those struggling due to a variety of circumstances. Her blog features testimonies of salvation, poetry, and uplifting affirmations. Brittany Kelly was raised in Wilmington NC and attended The University of North Carolina Wilmington, where she earned a Bachelor’s in Communication Studies and a Master’s Degree in Conflict Management. She currently serves as the Vice Chair on the Advisory Board for The Rose House in Brunswick County, NC.

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2 Comments On “Falling Apart is Falling Together”

  1. I love this perspective. The next time I’m falling apart, I’m claiming these words! Thank you both for sharing this powerful testimony! I am blessed!

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