New Bible Reviews

I have two new Bibles for review compliments of Harper Collins Publishers.

Life in Christ Bible – Thomas Nelson – NKJV 

ISBN 978-0-7852-9626-3 Retail $99.99 Amazon $33.98

This beautiful Bible is very soft brown leather. This edition had the thumb index tabs to make locating passages easier. It also has Comfort Print font, which is a good size for those of us who have to wear reading glasses. I can easily read the text without them. It is single column so the margins have room to write notes and information as you study.

Each book starts with a comprehensive introduction including dates, historical relevance, main ideas, the key verse, and an outline. According to the gift box back cover, The Life In Christ Bible continues to remind the reader they are “made in the image of Christ and conformed to the image of Christ (Genesis 1:27; Romans 8:29).” 

This Bible includes quotes to encourage the reader, multiple charts, articles about identity, and translator notes. This is a red-letter Bible. There are multiple tables for measurements and weights, as well as a 365-day reading plan. Included are 8 full-color maps and two satin bookmark ribbons.

Overall this is a wonderful selection, it’s durable and easy to read, perfect for a daily Bible reader. 

Sovereign Collection Revised Standard Version Bible – Personal-Size Edition

ISBN 978-1-4003-3796-5 Retail $124.99 Amazon $30.99

This is a black leather-bound Bible with gold imprinted letters and two satin ribbon bookmarks. This is the standard two-column format with a 9.5 font that is easy to read. This is not a red-letter Bible. The introductions for each book give a brief overview.

This is a no-fluff kind of Bible, this is straight Scripture without the quotes, insights, etc. However, in the back of the Bible, you find a comprehensive chart of The Parables of Jesus Christ (1455-1456) and a chart of The Miracles of Jesus Christ (1457-1458). 

This edition also includes a 365-day reading plan that suggests reading 3 chapters a day, Monday through Saturday, and 5 chapters on Sunday, with a check box for each chapter. There are 8 full-color maps in the back as well. It reminded me of the pew Bibles in the church I grew up in. 

Both Bibles are great investments or gifts. They differ greatly in their target audience; otherwise, both are high-quality Bibles 

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