Zondervan Bible Reviews

Perfect Gift for the Girl in your life

Zondervan recently released two new Bibles. Today we dive into the Zondervan Bible Reviews.

NIV Kingdom Girls Bible

ISBN – 978-0-310-46179-1

Retail Price: $44.99

Amazon Price: $35.99

Have a young girl in your life? Looking for the perfect Easter or Christmas gift for her?

Look no further than the NIV Kingdom Girls Bible. This Bible comes with a box sleeve for safekeeping. This full-color Bible is bound in beautiful purple synthetic leather.  As I started to read through this Bible, I was in awe of the “Step Into The Story” outtakes, “Her Story” profiles, and “Action Plans.”  This is a beautiful Bible for any girl, specifically ages 8-12. There is a built-in ribbon bookmark to help keep your place. 

There are highlighted verses for memorizing. “Step Into the Story” is sound advice for applying the lessons to daily life. “Her Story” added character sketches of 75 women in the Bible, some being role-model-worthy and some not so much. I love that these sketches include the meaning of the name of the woman. “Ruth means friend (page 308) and Huldah means weasel (page 548). I like that they include both types of women – those to model after and those to learn from. “Meet __” is fifty sections throughout the Bible, introducing lesser-known women.

Kingdom Girls Bible

This Bible starts each book off with an introduction, authorship, and a section on Noteworthy Women and Where to Find them in that book. I love that they include this, sometimes we forget how important women were in the story of Jesus. There are over 400 full-color illustrations and notes throughout this Bible. 

I love that this Bible celebrates women and their stories within His Story. I’ve already made a list of which girls in my own life will be getting this Bible for Christmas this year! I honestly will be using my copy coming up to study different women in the Bible. There are full-color illustrations throughout the text. The font size is adequate and easy to read. 

At the very end, there is a section called, “A Letter to Myself” which is for the reader to fill out and sign. The letter includes fill-in-the-blanks.

This Bible would help any young girl to study the Bible, learning more about the women who shaped His Story and impacted the world. 


The soft synthetic leather is lightweight, and it is a good size for little hands. They highlighted numerous Memory Verses. The extras including “Her Story” and the “Meet…” introductions are easy to understand and suitable for the 8-12 year-old age group. This version promotes women in the Bible and gives examples of good characteristics to live a godly life in today’s world. The price point is in line with other Bibles of the same caliber.

If you prefer a hardcover option, that is also available. 

This Bible is a good value for the money. It provides easy-to-read and understandable text to help cultivate a young lady in her new faith. I recommend picking up a copy for the young girls in your life.

5 of 5-star recommendation ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Amplified Journal the Word Bible 

ISBN- 978-0-310-46362-7

Retail Price: $67.99

Amazon Price: $51.06

Have a journaler in your life? Have someone who is always taking notes at church or Bible study?  The Amplified Journal the Word Bible is perfect for the writers in your life. 

This Bible arrived in a cardboard sleeve, the soft brown synthetic leather is nice. It lays flat when opened. I noticed the page coloring is cream, and it took my eyes a minute to get used to the color difference. After a minute, I started to warm up to the cream, and found that note-taking is easier to see – even in pencil. The font size is easy to read. The pages are slightly thicker than a traditional Bible. (I felt three different ones while comparing) but I don’t know how a gel pen would do on it.

Journaling the Word Bible

The margins are extra wide for note-taking or artwork. I do catch myself drawing things in my Bible to help retain information. The margins are also lined so your note-taking can be neat. 

Several pages in the back are lined, ready for more notes.

This Bible is for the no-frills kind of person. If your intended recipient just wants to read Scripture and take notes, or pray through different sections, then this is a good option. If your intended recipient is a studier, one who wants to know the ins and outs and added information to their Bible time, I would not recommend it for them. There are no maps, tables, or highlights in this Bible either. It has double columns. 

This is not a red-letter Bible. The text is all in black ink. There are no book introductions either. It’s just the Scriptures but it would be great for journaling through passages during your quiet time. 

To my knowledge, this is the only Amplified journal Bible available on the market. If you like that translation then this would be a great resource for you or the journaler in your life. 

The Bible overall isn’t bulky or extremely heavy (weighing in at 2.8 pounds according to Zondervan). 


I like the wide margins that are lined and ready for note-taking. The leather binding that lays flat is an added touch too! With the areas for note-taking, you could hand this Bible down to your family so they can see your reflections and writings within your Bible. The paper was thicker than most Bibles, and when you are writing that’s good so it doesn’t bleed through.

Overall it’s a good option for a Bible, I think it would just depend on your preference and your intended recipient. It’s a good value for the price and well made. I can think of a friend or two who loves to journal for whom it would make a great gift.

4 out of 5-star recommendation ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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