Where’s Your Lamp Pointed?

Over the last couple of weeks the word “light” has been showing up in my reading and Bible studies. This got me thinking about the light of the world – Jesus. In John 8:12, Jesus tells us that He is the light of the world. 

In Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” The unknown Psalmist tells how the Bible – God’s Word – is a light for us. It directs and guides us along our path of following God’s will for our lives and it ultimately leads us to Jesus. It’s easy to get caught up in worldly views and lose sight of the path. 

Through my reflection today I’m encouraged that even though the world seems upside down, we should dig into the word that lights our path. In the Word, we find peace, comfort, and instruction on how to deal with things that we are facing in the world. 

When I was little, the Bible intimidated me so much. I got confused and caught up on phrases and words. I loved the stories that I knew from the Bible I just couldn’t seem to figure them out. Once I found a more modern translation that I understood better, the Bible was transformed into a whole different world, drawing me closer to Jesus. I love digging into it, diving deeper, and learning more each time I read it. 

If the Bible seems written in a foreign language, I’d like to encourage you to seek out a different translation.  

Here are two digital resources that you can use to preview verses in different translations. They are great resources to help you decide which translation is best for you. 



The Son of our Heavenly Father is faithful in fulfilling His promises to us. He is always with us and His word is an invitation to draw near to Him. I encourage you today to dive into the Word, and seek Our Heavenly Father.

What’s your favorite passage in the Bible?

What translation do you prefer?

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Draw Near/Closer



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  1. I was raised on the KJV. So, that is the version a lot of my scriptures were memorized. I was given an NASB version years ago. I like that one. and use it for my book writing. For years I read through the Bible using the NKJV, and now I’m reading through with an NASB version. I love the Psalms.. Thankfully, I get a dose of of it most days, because I need God’s Word at the ready.

    • Horace – the Psalms seem to always have guidance for me when I read them. No matter what I’m facing that day, it seems that there are the answers and comfort in those. Having God’s Word at the ready helps us face the day ahead!

  2. This Psalm is a constant part of my prayers—I know the Lord will light my steps if I spend time in His word and allow His truth to be my compass! I use the NKJV for my physical bible, but I LOVE using Blue Letter Bible to study (www.blueletterbible.org) because you can easily switch through different translations, see definitions for the words in their original language, cross-reference, and access commentary all in one place. I think of it as turning up the depth of that light that is shining from His word, being able to see so much deeper into its meaning.

  3. I am reading my Bible in Bulgarian mainly but want to study a passage or a verse in depth, I am reading in English,too, at least in several versions (NIV, AMP, ESV, MSG, HCSB). Also, I like to study the original meaning of the Hebrew word.

  4. I grew up with the KJV and so many things were confusing and foreign! I started exploring different versions in my 20’s and love reading from several versions while I do my studying. ESV, NLT, and NASB are my usuals.

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