When Circumstances Are Out Of Our Control

Kate Dreston shares her story of releasing control when life became out of control and where she turned for comfort.

By: Kate Dreston

Out of Our Control

My heart was pounding as they wheeled my husband into the emergency room with chest pains. Nevertheless, I still held out hope that it was a harmless case of heartburn.

It was 1:30 a.m. I was exhausted. In the meantime, while we were waiting on test results, four nurses suddenly rushed into the room. Working quickly as a team, they surrounded him and each one began performing their specific task.

Startled, I asked one of the nurses what was happening. She told me she would let the doctor explain. Instantly, I knew he was having a heart attack, and they were prepping him for surgery. Time was of the essence.

Meanwhile, my mind raced as I realized this could be the last time I talked to him, the last time I would hold his hand, and the last time I could tell him I loved him.

After the doctor explained all the risks of the procedure, they instructed me to head to the waiting room. My head was spinning from all the information.

God’s Presence

Even though I had never felt so alone, I experienced the comfort of God’s presence. I knew I could not rely on my feelings, and I needed to be confident in the truth of Hebrews 13:5b (NKJV): “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Clutching my purse to my chest, I walked through a maze of empty and dark hallways. There was no one around, not even a janitor. 

I kept repeating “I am not alone. I am not alone.” Hearing my words out loud helped solidify their meaning. 

I quoted my life verse: “God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 (NKJV)

I couldn’t even find a light switch in the waiting room. Later with a little help from the hallway lighting, I saw about forty empty chairs to choose from, but my legs were shaky, so I plopped down in the closest one.

Feelings of Helplessness

Sitting in the dark, I felt completely helpless. There wasn’t one thing I could do to influence or change the outcome of this situation. Normally a control freak, I was painfully aware I had no control of anything now.

Having no other choice, I released everything to the Lord. I prayed for my husband to live. I put him in His hands.

When we come to the end of ourselves, we understand God’s abiding presence. At times like these, you realize how little you are and how big God is.

For six weeks, he wore a life vest that would restart his heart if it stopped. The vest was a visual reminder of how I could lose him at any time. I had to make a choice every day to release my anxiety to the Lord.

Releasing Control

Releasing control over a situation can take the weight off your shoulders as the focus turns off your abilities and onto God’s sovereignty. It builds a stronger trust in the Savior to lead you moment by moment.

Don’t get me wrong, I still struggle with worry sometimes, but I ask God to help me. He’s still working on me.

Do you have a burden you need to release to the Lord?

He wants to take it off your shoulders and give you peace.

Philippians 4:6-7 (NKJV) “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Meet Kate

Kate Dreston provides Bible-based hope and encouragement through her weekly 1-minute devotionals (Kate’s Mini-Devotionals). She also produces a weekly 5-minute podcast (Kate’s Devotional Podcast). You can find out more on her website.

  1. What a great reminder that God’s presence surrounds us always and we need only speak His Name to know He’s there.

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  1. What a great reminder that God’s presence surrounds us always and we need only speak His Name to know He’s there.

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