Playing Hide-And-Seek with God

“‘If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. ’” Jeremiah 29:13 NLT

Do you remember the childhood game, Hide and Seek? My brother and I played this constantly, running from one another hiding in closets or under beds, at times jumping out and scaring the other, and sometimes we were so quiet we would fall asleep in our hiding place because it took so long for the seeker to find us.

When we go on a hide-and-seek with God, He is always with us and we always find Him when we seek Him out with our whole heart. We don’t need to play games with God – He is never hiding from us – we just have to continually seek Him when we don’t feel like He is near. 

When we stop playing hide-and-seek from God and start seeking Him, He draws us near.

In Jeremiah 29 we find a letter written by the namesake and author of the book to the people of Jerusalem who had been exiled by King Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon. His letter gives instructions on what God wanted the exiles to do in their new land. God said that they would be in Babylon for seventy years (Jeremiah 29:10) but He promised that He would rescue them.

One famous Bible verse then stated, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.’” (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT).

God has good plans for His people, even though at the time life probably didn’t seem bright.  They had been forced from their homes but God gave them Hope. Plans for good, hope, and a future.

The Lord continues saying, “‘In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.’” (Jeremiah 29:12-13 NLT).

God offers the invitation to pray and promises to listen. That invitation is still in existence today, when you pray, He listens!  

We can get bogged down in not knowing how to adequately seek God.  Sometimes we humans complicate things a lot more than we need to. At times I don’t realize that I am complicating my life, but I do. I’ve found three ways to draw closer to God so that I am no longer hiding but seeking Him.

3 Ways to Draw Closer to God

  1. Open the lines of communication. The Psalms – many of them penned by David – are great examples of how we can open the lines of communication between us and God. God cares what’s on our hearts and minds. He wants you to come near to Him each day. I start my morning off with prayer even before reading my Bible. When something takes me from that or interrupts that time with God just sets my day off kilter.
  1. Read the Bible. God gave us a book with all the instructions, reminders, and examples that we need to live a rich, flourishing life. When we study God’s word we refresh our minds, spirit, and body with lessons to put forth in our own lives.
  1. Trust Him. This is the hardest one for us with our human understanding. It’s hard to trust someone else to be in control (or at least I struggle with this). But when I lay down my agendas, my ways, and my stubbornness I grow so much closer to the One who created me. I can live in obedience to His word, ways, and will for my life. Obedience doesn’t come easy and trusting God after being hurt by people is hard. We have to put aside the hurts from humans (God heals broken hearts and binds up their wounds.) and start trusting the one who made us in His image.

It’s easy to let our spiritual lives get mediocre or even cold, being in an intimate relationship with God requires some more on our part. When we fail to continue eating the daily bread (soaking in the Word) and praying we start to put a wedge between us and God. God doesn’t want this wedge. When we aren’t Trusting Him, and being obedient to His will, we are telling Him that we have everything under control and we are making ourselves/someone else/something else our god. God created us in His image, He is the one who named and placed the stars in the sky. He has created magnificent things including you, yet He desires to have an intimate relationship with his children. 

It’s okay if your relationship and spiritual life have grown cold, today is a new day to start over. Repent of your sins, ask God to help you draw closer to Him, and start seeking Him continuously. 

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for not giving up on me when I’ve turned my back on you. Forgive me of my sins, my pride, and thinking that I was my own god. Help me to draw near to you and your will for my life. Help me to walk in obedience. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Draw Near/Closer



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