The Reviews Are In – 2 New Bibles

Reviews are in for new Bibles! 

Unwrapped these two beautiful Bibles compliments of Thomas Nelson. I’m excited to share them with you!

Armor of God Bible – NKJV 

ISBN: 9781400336814

Suggested Retail: $44.99 Amazon $29.99

This is the purple, soft leather-bound Armor of God Bible. It’s a red-letter Bible with a satin ribbon bookmark. The print is easy to read, and the size and weight are good for kids. The Bible includes full-color maps and 52 devotions themed around the armor of God. Hundreds of notes relate scripture verses to the different armor pieces as well.

It was not until adulthood that I cultivated a deep interest in the study of the various armor components and their importance in daily battles. 


My favorite additions are “I Can Pray Scripture” and “I Can Memorize Scripture”. These areas help new believers to pray with and memorize scripture references. I would have loved to have this when I was younger. I always felt intimidated by the Bible as a kid and if I had known places to start, maybe I would have been better at memorizing scriptures and learning to pray more. 

The beginning lists interesting trivia about the Bible. My family are big trivia people, so knowing there are 769,296 words in the NKJV of the Bible, with 177,976 in the New Testament and 591,320 in the Old Testament was neat. Maybe I’ll break that one out on the next trivia night. 


Originally, I thought this would be great for a new believer of the ages 6-12, but honestly, an adult would benefit from this too. The depictions are a bit more elementary and less sophisticated than some Bibles, but I’m in it for the words rather than the pictures. 

I would recommend this Bible to others. It also has the Thomas Nelson lifetime guarantee. 

Overall, I would be happy to gift this Bible to any new Christian, especially an adolescent. The added features differ from other Bibles I’ve seen lately, which is a selling point for me. 

Color Code Study Bible

ISBN 978-1-4003-4142-9

Suggested Retail: $84.99 Amazon $47.83

The Color Code Study Bible I received is purple leather in the NKJV translation with thumb indexes, making it easier to navigate through. The print is adequate along with wider margins. I measured them at 1.25 inches. That’s plenty of room for writing notes. 

The Color Code Study Bible categorizes seven different themes throughout the scriptures: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Salvation, Sanctification, Sin and Temptation, and Last Things. 


This includes red-letter highlighting. The notes throughout provided extra insight into passages while still sharing which theme they fall into. Since it’s a study Bible, there is added commentary at the bottom of most pages to help give context, cross-references, and explanations. Huge bonus if you want to absorb more during your study time. The margins aren’t as wide to make notes, but there is some room to write.

There are multiple tables in the back, along with full-color maps. Overall, this is a great Bible. One thing I always mention when it comes to color coding is that if the recipient has issues with color deficiencies, this Bible may not be for them. 

This is a great choice of Bible for anyone 14 or older, regardless of where they are on their walk of faith. 

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