Finding My Voice and Strength Through His Plan

Writer Ann Jones joins us this week sharing her story of finding her voice and strength in God while going through domestic violence.

Finding My Voice

On the outside, I was talkative, lively, and outgoing. But on the inside, I was timid, restrained by my own fears, and afraid to truly live. I was the typical people pleaser—always wanting to meet others’ expectations at the expense of my own comfort. 

In high school, my Future Homemakers of America sponsor encouraged me to run for a regional position. I had to prepare a speech, the thought of that now baffles me, which was the beginning of something new. I couldn’t tell you the words I said in my speech. But I know how I felt afterward like a fire had ignited in me. Winning the Region V Vice President of Public Relations was the first glimpse of God’s plan in action. Though I wouldn’t fully understand it for nearly two decades.

The Relationship

Fast forward to my freshman year of college, I entered into what would become a painfully enlightening 20-year relationship. God’s warnings were all around, He urged me to flee, but I didn’t listen. Was it the time I offered to help him clean his grandma’s house? Yet he told me I didn’t know how to mop and yelled at me calling me things I had never heard before. Or the time he threw Gatorade on me in the car because I was concerned about things happening in our relationship? Why didn’t I leave then? I had lost who I was. I couldn’t remember who I was two short years before. Did I not leave because I had a hard time asserting my own needs and expectations of the relationship? Probably. 

Faced With the Whys?

I can’t help but ask myself why I didn’t leave sooner. We weren’t married and didn’t have children yet. I wasn’t tied to him, but for whatever reason I chose to stay. My family desperately and exhaustively tried to get me to leave. Why didn’t I listen?! I’ll never have a definitive answer, but I did eventually leave. Leaving was hard because I felt God would hate me for divorcing him, I’d been told that too. I was so brainwashed into believing his lies.

One day I took my chances and said I have to do what is right for me and my children. I just couldn’t take it anymore, telling myself, “I will work this out with God in my way, not my ex-husband’s.” I started pouring into scripture and started talking with Godly women learning how strong I was during this time. A strength that He had inside me, discovering an inner strength I never knew I had. 

Domestic Violence

Job 23:10 (CSB) says, “Yet he knows the way I have taken; when he has tested me, I will emerge as pure gold.” It acknowledges God’s awareness and purpose in our trials, offering reassurance that He is always with us, in good and bad.

I was walking a path filled with domestic violence and abuse—experiences I only knew through television. Here I was living them. I gained so much knowledge and personal growth during these years, no longer allowing my past to define me. Instead, I choose to focus on healing and demonstrating resilience. Showing others that no matter what life throws your way, with God anything is possible. 

Finding My Strength

Early in life, I was raised in the church. But I never had my own relationship with Him, it was my parents with Him that I was depending on. It took navigating some of life’s darkest moments to truly know where He wanted me. He always wanted me to turn to Him. 

Because of what happened to me, my life isn’t coincidental, it was planned before I was born. God had a plan for my life that is greater than any I could ever conceive. Is this the plan or path I would have chosen for myself? No. But what I do know is that He holds the power and is greater than we are. Why would I want to argue with His design and intent for my life? One thing I do feel is fulfillment because I know He lives in me and is my guide. 

Releasing It All to God

When I gave it all to Him I had to:

  1. Embrace my emotions
  2. Let go of self-judgment
  3. Practice loving myself the way He does
  4. Reframe my imperfections as opportunities for growth
  5. Finding gratitude in what I have: my life, my children, a support system, and the ability to rebuild the life God intended for me to have.

Finding My Voice and Strength

How does this all relate to the beginning of my story? It seemed unlikely at first, but now, as a published author and advocate for resilience and personal growth during life’s most challenging times. I can see God’s hand in action. Those initial steps into public relations were not just about developing skills in communication. They were about learning how to voice my story and share my truths in ways that could reach and inspire others. In each word I write, I see how God laid the groundwork. He uses every experience to equip me for this profound role of guiding and uplifting others with my testimony. Remember that your journey, no matter how painful, can be turned into a source of strength and inspiration. You simply need to release it to Him. 


Lord, during chaos and challenges we come to you for strength and guidance. Grant us the wisdom to push out the negativity and use the courage we’ve always had in You to rise above it. Fill us with Your peace that surpasses all understanding, strengthen us to love ourselves as You love us, embrace the good, and reject the negativity because in You all things are possible. In Your name. Amen. 

Meet Ann Jones

Ann Jones, a former stay-at-home mom turned professional author and businesswoman, lives the life she always dreamed of with her family and four dogs in South Texas. Ann shares her experiences in her new book, Stronger Than Before, aiming to be a friend to her readers. She invites them to join her on a journey of faith, healing, and becoming stronger than before. Her experiences as a mother and a professional have enriched her insights into the trials and triumphs that help shape our stories.


Socials: Instagram: @annjoneswrites

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