Praying Over Our Parenting

Finding the courage to pray when we don’t have the words to say.

By: Eryn Mask

Proverbs 1:8-9

“Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck.”

Proverbs 1:8-9 ESV

Dreams of Parenthood

I created in my head what kind of mother I would be and the type of children I would have. I was going to have two children by the time I was 27. Whether they were into soccer, football, basketball, or even pickleball, I would be their sports mom. Well, as life often goes, things don’t play out how you had planned in your mind. I did have two children; however, not at the age of 27. 

After trying for a year when I was 30 with no results  I unexpectedly became pregnant with my first child. It was not at all what I had anticipated. Instead, postpartum doubts about caring for this child that I had so desperately prayed for filled my head. We often pray over our children without a second thought. However, we hardly ever think to pray for ourselves as their parents. Proverbs tells us we are to hear our father’s instruction, not forsake our mother’s teaching” (Proverbs 1:8-9 ESV). In order to do so, we must pray for wisdom on how to teach them to wear it as β€œgarland around their necks”! The only hope we have along this parenting journey is prayer!

sparkled confetti with the quote from Eryn Mask, "The only hope we have along this parenting journey is prayer."

Difficulties Arise

After having so much difficulty conceiving our first child, I assumed that I would have difficulty conceiving again. To my surprise, without even β€œtrying” I became pregnant with our second son. To say I was surprised is an understatement! He would eventually be a completely different child than our first. He did not speak in full sentences until he was 5 years old. Even then it was hard to understand him.

I remember praying that he would just be able to speak and communicate like others in his peer group. How was I supposed to train him up in the way he should go(Proverbs 22:6) if he could not communicate? How was I to know that he was even getting my teachings, let alone wearing them as a pendant around his neck, if he could not repeat what I was saying?

When he was 3 years old he could only say a few words, and even those were hard to understand. One day, I was upstairs getting something quickly while he was downstairs. Without me knowing, he walked out of the house, only realizing this when I heard the door leading to our garage slam. In my panic, I immediately went outside to look for him, thinking I would find him quickly. To my horror, he was nowhere to be seen. I called the sheriff to help me, and I started praying Jeremiah 33:3a, β€œCall to me and I will answer you…” (Jeremiah 33:3a ESV).

head shot of Eryn Mask with the words As we embark on this journey called motherhood we also need to pray for ourselves, not just over our children.

A Desperate Parent Praying

I was desperate! After what felt like a lifetimeβ€”in reality, about 20 minutesβ€” we found him safe and sound. He is now 10 years old speaking, playing, and communicating like his peers, with no real memory of that day. Hallelujah!

He recently told me, β€œMom, even though I didn’t remember, what I know is that you would not have stopped till you found me!” That’s the attitude that God has for us, He never stops pursuing us even when we are running away. 

I desperately cried out to the Lord for my child to communicate in a way that others could understand him. He heard me and he answered me beyond what I could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). God’s timing wasn’t as quick as I would have liked; however, His ways and timing are not mine, it’s better! In many ways my son is a miracle and what a testimony he has to share! I often use him as my reference point for remembering how good, how merciful, and how gracious God is!

As we embark on this journey called motherhood, we also need to pray for ourselves, not just over our children.  We should pray that they may hear our instructions and our teachings, wearing them around their necks like a garland. 

Meet Eryn

Originally from Honolulu, Hawaii, Eryn and her husband are raising their two boys ages 13 and 10 in Roseville, California. When not on the basketball court, their family loves spending time outdoors: boating, playing on the beach or hiking with their dogs. She is a singer, writer, and narrator for ACX (an affiliate of Audible). After the sudden loss of her Dad over a decade ago changed her perspective on faith and eternity, you can find her discussing the ways grief changes us in her writing for the MomCo Magazine.  She often quotes, β€œThis life is short and fleeting; but, what a glorious day it will be when we are all together in HIS presence.” You can connect with her on IG and Facebook

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Releasing to God


Releasing to God Series

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