Can I Be Worldly and Godly?

Can I be worldly and Godly?

“Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.” James 4:8 NLT

My attitude and my mindset were in a funk. This funk was stealing my joy and honestly, I didn’t have the strength to keep on keeping on. I was just done with everything. That’s when I read today’s verse, “Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.”(James 4:8 NLT). Was my mind divided between God and the world?

I thought I was doing everything right, I had been doing my daily Bible reading and study lessons. I hadn’t neglected those, I was in prayer daily and I was doing all the things. Or so I thought. I was going through the motions but I wasn’t doing what needed to be done in my heart. 

I was harboring bitterness towards others, I had forgiven them but I was still holding onto the hurt a little too tightly. I was upset with others for making me feel invisible and struggling with some of my peoples’ recent decisions. The things of the world were tripping me up. I was going to the altar but I wasn’t coming with a clean heart. I had heart work to do.

Purify or cleanse – it was time to confess my sins of harboring bitterness, confess the hurt that I was holding onto, and forgive the ones close to me who hurt me and made me feel overlooked. It was time for a heart cleaning.

I poured my heart out to God, the One who knows my heart and thoughts (Psalm 139:1). It wasn’t an elaborate or elegant prayer. No, it was a messy, ugly-cry kinda prayer. The kind that comes from down deep. 

In those moments, I felt God closer to me than I had in months. I felt His love, peace, and grace wash over me. He was holding me when I couldn’t hold myself. He was there for me when I didn’t think another human even noticed me. He was there binding my broken heart. He was there patiently comforting me when other people’s decisions hurt me. He was there.

When I stopped looking at all the things wrong, all the times I’d been wronged, I was able to see the good. Things may not have been what I wanted, but God knows better than me. Who knows? These decisions may be the best thing ever. I don’t know, and it’s okay that I don’t know. God does and that’s what is important. He never left me when I felt overlooked by the world, He was there protecting me.

I could no longer divide my mind between the world and God. I wanted to be all in for God. The less I focused on being selfish and how things affected me, the more I was able to see God. The things here on earth are all temporary. I just have to continuously keep refocusing my mind and heart back to God when it wants to take that side road. I bring myself back to the cross, realigning my heart and mind to God and drawing near to Him. When I draw on Him and His strength I’m able to spread the love of Christ to others. 

Lord help us to see when we are being divided, help us to confess our sins and turn back to you seeking you with all our heart, mind, and soul. We thank you, Lord, for never leaving us even when we have been disobedient. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.  

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6 Comments On “Can I Be Worldly and Godly?”

  1. Beautifully written. My mother used to say I was “straddling the fence—one foot in the world and the other living as a Christian. We must guard our hearts and minds so that God can use us for His glory. Thanks for your openness and honesty. I loved the prayer.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing! Forgiveness is so hard, and getting rid of the bitterness can be even harder. Those feelings can occupy so much space in us if we don’t work on purging them. Good stuff here, friend!

  3. It’s so easy to live with divided hearts and not even realize it! Thanks for this today, Brianna! It’s the second time God has nudged me about the attitude of my heart this morning! 🙂

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