4 Bibles in 1 Box = HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

Today was like my birthday🥳- Oh, what a happy day when I received a box of Bibles đź“– in the mail. As part of the Thomas Nelson Bibles Blogger Program, I received four new Bibles to review. 

First off thank you, Thomas Nelson Publishing for this opportunity. Also, I want to mention something that I think is awesome. According to the back of the Bibles that I received, “Thomas Nelson guarantees the quality of this Bible. Visit our website today to learn about the care of your Bible, register for your lifetime guarantee, and receive free offers.” You can check that guarantee out here.

The Women’s Study Bible – NIV

I’m over the moon excited about this super heavy box because one of these Bibles will become my new daily Bible. 

My new go-to is the Woman’s Study Bible full-color Bible in the NIV translation.  Wow – just wow – on this Bible. The visual aspect is very inviting. The deep colors of teal, green, and pink resonate throughout. Since it’s a study Bible, it has a commentary at the bottom of the pages to help you dive deeper into the scriptures. It also has outtakes of women in the Bible. This Bible celebrates women for sure! 

There are quotes throughout this Bible – not just scriptures. There is a full-color map in the back, and each book of the Bible starts with an introduction. Title, Date, Background, Themes, and Outlines are all covered for each book of the Bible. (Those are some of my favorite things to read, especially when I’m trying to work through a passage and need a little background). 

The Forward was written by Anne Graham Lotz,  Billy Graham’s daughter. There are multiple bonus sections, including “Special Definitions and Abbreviations”, “God Cares for Women” articles as well as “What They Left Behind: Women, Archaeology, and the Bible.” This Bible of course has the scriptures, but I feel like it offers so much more. This is a red-letter Bible and my copy is hard-cover. To check it out for yourself: https://www.thomasnelsonbibles.com/product/niv-womans-study-bible/ or on Amazon. The list price is $49.99 and Amazon has it for $27.49 (as of the date of this post).

I do think that I will be picking up a couple of extra copies of The Woman’s Study Bible for future gifts! 5 out of 5 stars on this one. ISBN – 978-0-7852-1237-9

The Everyday Bible

The Everyday Bible offers 365 Daily Readings through the entire Bible. This Bible is broken down into a daily plan to read the entire Bible in a year. This Bible is a New King James Version. The reading for each day consists of a passage from the Old Testament, a passage from the New Testament, a passage from Psalms, and a passage from Proverbs.

The introduction also suggested that if you didn’t have the time commitment to read the entire Bible in a year, to read the Psalms, Proverbs, and New Testament one year and the Old Testament the next. The copy I received was paperback so it’s not super heavy. The font is 9.5 so it’s just right. 

The Everyday Bible does not include any maps or other added nuggets. This would be a good Bible to either start your day off or end your day with. The reading plan is already laid out for you so you don’t have to worry about that. It’s well-labeled and easy to follow along. This is a red-letter Bible, meaning the words of Jesus are in red.

You can purchase this Bible here and on Amazon. The suggested retail price is $19.99. Amazon has it for $17.99. It is also available in hardcover for $29.95.

4 out of 5 stars – It’s a great reading plan. The downside to me is that I like the history behind things, reference charts, etc. If you are looking for those items, this isn’t the Bible for you. However, Thomas Nelson offers many options for that. Overall this would make a great Bible if you are looking to read a little every day.  ISBN – 978-0-7852-6360-9

Grace For the Moment

Grace for the Moment Daily Bible with Devotional Writings by Max Lucado. This Bible is in the NCV – New Century Version. I’ve never read this translation but found that it was easy to understand, and the language didn’t bog me down. I like translations that I’m able to easily read and fully understand. 

This Bible is broken down by day as well. Each day consists of a passage from Psalms, a Proverb, and a portion of the Old and New Testaments along with a blurb from a Max Lucado book each day. I don’t know about you, but I do love reading his eloquent words.

This is not a red-letter Bible. I currently have a non-red-letter Bible and you get adjusted to it quickly. This daily moment’s Bible does not include any reference sections, maps, or bonuses. The font is slightly smaller than the Everyday Bible which may be harder for some to read it easily. The copy I received is paperback.

Here is the link to check it out for yourself and the link to Amazon. The listed price is $19.99 and you can find it on Amazon for $19.43.

4 out of 5 stars – I do like that it’s a daily reader with the little devotionals at the top. That’s an added benefit to me. The reading plan is easy to follow as it’s divided up by date. The downside would be that the font is rather small and there are no red-letter distinguishing when Jesus is speaking. Otherwise, it’s a great Bible. ISBN – 978-1-4185-4306-8

The Breathe Life Bible


The Breathe Life Bible invites you to experience the Scriptures through the acronym BREATHE: Believe, Reconcile, Exalt, Act, Trust, Hope, and Elevate. This Bible offers not only the Scriptures in the New King James Version but also practical application steps and encouragement. 

The Breathe Life Bible has a gorgeous purple leather stitched cover. The Bible arrived in a special box to help preserve the textured cover along with thumb indexes. Each book starts with an overview as well as a “Breath it In” section that “has been developed for those who feel they need God’s help simply to breathe in today’s suffocating world. It is for everyone – but it has been especially crafted for people of color in mind.” (Thomas Nelson page xv).

This Bible offers a comfortable print that is easy to read. Throughout the Bible, you find “Inhale and Exhale” sections that help you with problems you may face in the world while offering easily applied solutions.  This is also a red-letter Bible making the words of Jesus easily distinguishable.

There are numerous colored maps at the back along with other reference materials including the Table of Monies, Weights, and Measures. There are tables of the Parables taught by Jesus as well as the table of Miracles of Jesus Christ and where to find them in the gospels. There’s a detailed list of the prayers that are found in the Bible and the different authors as well as they are broken down into sections (ex. Healing, Mercy, Resurrection). 

The forward is written by Ambassador Andrew Young, the introduction is by Rev. Dr. Bernice A. King as well as several encouraging letters are written throughout from Rev. Matthew Wesley Williams, Dr. Thelma Thomas Daley, and Derrick Johnson. I feel like these letters add to the overall feeling of the Bible as well as relating more with the reader and providing encouragement through life experience. 

4 out of 5 stars – I love the beautiful cover, and the presentation is exceptional. The multiple ribbon bookmarks are helpful when trying to keep my place as well as the thumb index so I can quickly flip to the book that I am looking for. The font size is larger making it more comfortable to read. I would prefer a different translation than the NKJV but that is merely personal preference. The price is what has me rating it a 4 since it’s more than double the other study Bible. 

The suggested retail price for this Bible is $84.99 but can be found on Amazon for $62.55. ISBN 978-0-7852-6360-9

All four of these Bibles are recommended. I did like the two study Bibles better than the daily readers’ ones. But that is just my preference. The two daily readers are phenomenal for when you want to read through the entire Bible in a year. 

Which Bible is your favorite?

If you need a Bible, please reach out to me here.

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